Elena Girardello

Elena Girardello, who founded Simple Steps in 2014, provides floorings and wall coverings to the residential, commercial and hospitality industries;  her Italian upbringing has much to do with it: “We feel alive when we feel beauty” she said; “I was surrounded by so much beauty, history most of my life.” However, Elena inherited her love for colors, fabrics from her mother as both would be crafting decorative elements for the house and table settings whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Elena went on to study art and languages, focusing on Japanese traditional art and crafts which are such an inherent part of the Japanese culture; her time spent in Japan, before settling in the U.S in 2004, strengthened her natural sensitivity to beauty and harmony.

Having spent a decade setting-up customer service for an Italian manufacturer and then managing his showroom, Elena is no stranger to developing relationships.  “Each time I get to help someone select a piece, regardless of scope, I am so happy.”

Though the name of her company is simple, floorings and wall coverings are anything but. Materials available vary from porcelain, ceramic, glass, engineered terrazzo and more – making the right selection can be cumbersome and this is where Elena excels. Her genuine ability to guide one through the process to make their vision a reality is remarkable.  “Through lush textures, fine materials and evocative colors, we bring design visions to life and make homes and commercial spaces beautiful. Who is the lucky one here?

Most of her business is repeat business today.  Elena constantly seeks new collections, based on her innate love for beauty to meet the needs of her clients who range from novice home renovators, award-winning designers, developers, or hoteliers.  “I never see a sale as a transaction; It’s a relationship.  It’s creating an experience.”